让phonegap 按返回键后 按确定才退出应用

document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);

// PhoneGap is loaded and it is now safe to make calls PhoneGap methods
function onDeviceReady() {
	// 注册回退按钮事件监听器
	document.addEventListener("backbutton", onBackKeyDown, false);

function onConfirm(button) {
	//alert('You selected button ' + button);
	if (button == 1)


// Show a custom confirmation dialog
function onBackKeyDown() {
	navigator.notification.confirm('按确定退出程序!', // message
	onConfirm, // callback to invoke with index of button pressed
	'确定要退出程序吗?', // title
	'确定,取消' // buttonLabels
